Welcome to the leading confidential. on-demand HR teleadvisory platform, powered by humans vs AI!

Our Why

We strive to make you the star of your own story at work everyday!


A run-in in a bathroom kicked off the idea

[Read our founder’s story, in her words below.]

I came up with the idea for Conferrr after speaking at a private business conference in Washington, DC.  During a break following my keynote on ‘Top Megatrends Occurring in the Workforce’, numerous attendees cornered me in the restroom, each one inquiring for personal time to talk about confidential issues they were facing at work.

While such requests were not new to me because I had honored more secret “I need your advice, Karan” HR advisory meetings over my career than you can imagine, my ‘ah-ha moment’ came when one of the attendees stated, “I’m really struggling to navigate my situation alone, and I’m vain about letting anyone at my company know.  I would treasure bouncing ideas off of you to gut-check my thinking, off the record, of course.”  The others who had gathered in the group nodded in agreement to their fellow attendee’s statement.

The encounter caused me to reflect on the numerous times that friends and colleagues referred individuals from other employers to me because they knew that I was knowledgeable, trustworthy, and passionate about helping people in distress. When making the initial introductions, the referrers frequently stated that they hoped that I would privately provide advice and counsel to their friends and help them tackle whatever workplace challenges they were facing.  It also piqued my curiosity as to why many of these individuals were dying to consult with me, even though they had access to their own internal HR and management personnel.

My punch-in-the-gut moment came when I realized that I, too, had suffered during my corporate career when I faced issues at work.   Just as they had, I shied away from being publically vulnerable while working at my employer.  I didn’t want my reputation or the perception of my job performance to ever take a hit. As a result, my stress levels skyrocketed, and although I made it through, I was bruised by the emotional battle scars. This realization made me wonder how many others out in the world were suffering a similar situation?

After extensive market research with a wide range of ideal customers, my team and I validated a clear void in the marketplace for private, objective HR advice and counsel, and as a result, I decided to launch Conferrr.

I’m Karan!

Karan Ferrell-Rhodes

Karan Ferrell-Rhodes

Founder and Lead CHRO Advisory Consigliere

When work has got to work better for you,
know that you’ve likely got options,
but it all starts with a call . . .

Conferrr, a subsidiary of Shockingly Different Leadership (SDL), is a direct-to-consumer tele-advisory consultancy that offers on-demand, CHRO-level strategic advice and counsel from “HR Consiglieres” (experienced HR experts), via online consultations.  As an added plus, if you find that you or your company needs more in-depth consulting or implementation assistance post-conversation, you are able to access SDL’s team of over 350 consultants, along with its full suite of consulting services.


In reality, most individuals spend half their lives dealing with the pressures of complexities at work, which at times can feel isolating and lonely when not sure about your best next step.


We at Conferrr believe access to affordable, discreet HR-related workplace advice and counsel should be available to everyone at every career stage before their job performance or reputation is on the line.  We’re disrupting how individuals receive confidential, personalized help to solve major issues at work, by providing end-to-end workplace support for board members, executive leaders and professionals alike.

In addition, Conferrr offers a world-class member community called the Conferrr Ally Network, which provides numerous benefits, such as a peer support network, an answer vault of resources, updates on workplace-related hot topics, continuing education classes (eligible for professional credits), and masterclasses from distinguished speakers.


Conferrr fills the need of helping you with your decision-making, as you weigh viable options to drive to a better outcome before presenting your ideas to other stakeholders that matter.  Our goal is to spare you the issue of “navigating” work-related challenges alone.


To help people and companies everywhere make better strategic decisions and fewer missteps when solving HR or career-related issues at work.

Intellectual Horsepower

Hone and use your expertise to think big and break barriers

Courageous Agility

Take courageous, calculated risks even if what the future will bring is unclear

Stakeholder Savvy

Win hearts and minds by being people-centric, embracing perspectives, and nurturing relationships

Wise Decision-Making

Steer decision-making in ways that inform choices and create better outcomes


Always be in innovation-mode to push limits to find better ways of doing things


Live at the intersection of ambition, grit, boldness, cutting-edge, grit and fun

Tenacious Endgame

Obsess about achieving and delivering results that delight and exceed expectations


Advising on HR &
Workplace Challenges
for Over 10 Years!

A peek into our Conferrr ecosystem

At Conferrr, our staff is working flexibly throughout the United States. And our extensive network of advisors and consultants has been accessed in more than 80 cities — providing nationwide support with local and industry context.

# of CHRO-level Consiglieres

# of HR Project Consultants and Specialists

Client Companies Served To Date


of Conferrr Staff Work Remote or Hybrid


Conferrr Client Satisfaction Score


of Members Report a Reduction in Stress