Feeling Frustrated, Overwhelmed or Stumped About An Issue at Work? Everyone Needs Unbiased Help to Better Understand Their Options!
Let Us Help You Privately Strategize Next Steps Before Your Job or Reputation is on the Line
Let’s Conferrr Privately About Your Issues At Work!
Let’s Conferrr!
Most individuals spend half their lives at work and have an inner desire to always show up as their best selves. No one wants to make a misstep or ruin their reputation in the eyes of those that matter.
However, inevitably, there are times when you need to strategize about a complex situation in the workplace, but you desire to first confer with an objective third party before involving internal resources at your employer or place of business.
While coaching is great for long-term skill-building, it is not ideal if you need immediate advisement or mentoring. Yet, short of engaging an $800/hour employment lawyer or consultant, where can one go for help?
Conferrr was founded to fill this void in the marketplace by increasing access to HR expertise normally reserved for those who can afford personal lawyers, agents, or consultants from firms like McKinsey, Deloitte or Accenture. We are committed to being your go-to trusted partner for just-in-time, confidential HR-related advice, counsel, strategy, and solutions. Think of us as the TeleDoc or BetterUp of HR, workplace, and career strategic advisement.
Let us be your ally to help you discretely determine your next best course(s) of action before you make a wrong or high-risk move. It’s time to figure out how to make work better work for you!
Ready to schedule a private appointment to secretly confer about what’s top of mind for you?

WHO WE ARE: A feisty team of CHRO-level HR Consiglieres!
Did you know that there are all types of “consiglieres” that have absolutely nothing to do with the mafia? While the Godfather movie trilogy made the term mainstream, consiglieres have been in existence for hundreds of years.
Technically, a consigliere is a professional confidante who is a specialist advisor in a specific area of expertise. At Conferrr, our HR Consiglieres are confidantes who are deep specialists in one or more of the many strategic areas involving HR and the world of work.
You can speak to one of our HR Consiglieres privately by booking a ConferrrNow appointment, during which you will receive one-on-one advice and mentoring from an unbiased, third-party, live human HR advisor about any workplace issue (sorry, no use for you this time, our AI friends ). And, we tried to make our just-in-time service simple for you: no retainers required and no appointments that take weeks to book.
Whether or not you have an urgent issue right now, you can take advantage of our private member community, called the Conferrr Ally Network. The Network is a safe space where you can ask your peers and our community experts for suggestions/best practices, expand your nexus of professional allies, and enjoy many curated self-help resources and career growth opportunities.
Start Here
To get you to the right resources, start by selecting which area(s) below best describes you.

Representing Yourself?
Are you an individual who would like to confer about a situation relating to you personally?

Representing a Company or Board?
Are you representing a company or public/private board that is facing a complex HR challenge?

Desire a Network of Strategic Supporters?
Desire your own tribe of allies, curated masterclasses, and crowdsourced best practices?